Null Island Data Systems

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Register new account
Basic requirements:
  • You must have a PerlMonks account.
  • You need at least 500 XP.
  • You need to have written at least 30 posts.
  • Your average XP per post needs to be at least 4.
Usage Policy:
  • If you post junk, spam, deflamatory comments, illegal or other bad stuff, i will strive to be 'not nice' about it.
  • This is a private server. No guaranteed 'freedom of speech'. While i strive for it, if your posts are against the law, in bad taste or completly off topic, i will delete them.
  • I reserve to disable the comment function and/or delete users if i think there's a problem.
  • This server is in Austria/Europe. Only Austrian law applies.
  • All services provided 'as is'. This server is used to develop and test new software, no guaranteed availability or data integrity! Meaning: your data might be gone one day, either due to error or design changes, and you can't hold me responsible for it.
  • Due to the 'used as development plattform' nature of this system, extensive logging might be enabled. While i strive to keep the data private, if you are very strict about your privacy, you should consider not registering.
  • I do not sell your data to anyone. But there is always the (remote) possibility of a security breach. Do not reuse your password elsewhere, don't store private data on this server. If and when a breach happens, i will try to inform you about it, but i do not have any other responsibilities.
  • Due to local law, i might be forced to hand over your data to the government or cooperate to help hunt you down. This hasn't happened yet.
  • By registering, you automatically accept this usage policy.
Username: This must match your PerlMonks Username exactly, including upper/lowercase.
First name: Optional, but it would be nice to know you how to call you.
Last name: Optional, but it would be nice to know you how to call you.
Email address: Email address is needed in case you need to reset a forgotten Password
Validation token: Before submitting the registration request, add the following token to your PerlMonks homenode:
This token is valid for 15 minutes.
After registration, you can remove the token again. This is just so we can verify it is really your PM account.
New Password
Repeat Password

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